The NY/NJ Chapter of the Financial Managers Society (“FMS”) was formed in 1949 by a group of community bankers. FMS promotes high standards of practice in operations, systems, procedures, auditing and data processing for the community banking industry. FMS conducts educational seminars for finance executives in the banking industry throughout the year. Several events are jointly sponsored by the New Jersey Bankers Association (“NJBA”), an industry trade organization that represents the interests of banking organizations in the New York metropolitan area.
Meta4 Communications has provided editorial coverage and photography for virtually all the FMS events including those jointly sponsored with NJBA for nearly 20 years. The events have included regular monthly educational conferences, the annual installation of Officers, holiday dinner celebration and the annual golf outing. Each event is captured in a Chapter Headlines article on the Chapter’s website authored by Meta4 Communications.
A small sample of the wide range of our work is presented below. Complete coverage is available in the Chapter Headlines section of the FMS Website, which we also designed and produced.
Annual Officer Installation Dinners
Monthly Conferences
Joint Conferences with New Jersey Bankers Association
Social Events